Our sales agents

پارسا همراه فدک نماینده فروش رنسو

Parsa hamrah Fadak

Address: North Suhravardi Street, Khorramshahr Street, next to the Municipal Building, No. 35, 5th floor, Unit 5

Contact number: 021-88534270

kadoos kala

Address: Rasht, Lakani St., Corner of Justice Fund, Kados Technical Educational Institute

Contact number: 013-33232323

Dayan hamrah Spadana

Address: Isfahan, Cheshme Baqerkhan neighborhood, Shahid Mohandesh Ali Nilichan alley, Shkoufeh alley, No. 14, 1st floor

Contact number: 09132163114

Fafa IT

Address: Fars-Shiraz- Karimkhan Zand Blvd., in front of Khayam St., Massoud Commercial Complex, No. 48.

Contact number: 02191007717

Digikala online store

Address: www.digikala.com

Contact number: 02191000100 


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Parsa Hamrah Fadak

Address: North Sohravardi Street, Khoramshahr Street, Next to the Municipality Building, No. 35, 5th Floor, Unit 5

Sales Manager: 09351606484

Fafa IT

Address: Shiraz, Karim Khan Zand Boulevard, Across from Khayyam Street, Masoud Commercial Complex, Number 48

Phone Number: 02191007717

Kados Khazar

Address: Rasht, Lakani Street, Corner of Justice Box, Kados Technical and Educational Institute

Phone Number: 33232323-013

Dayan Hamrah Espadana

Address: Isfahan, Cheshmeh Bagherkhan Neighborhood, Shahid Mohsen Nili Chan Alley, Shokoufeh Street, No. 14, 1st Floor

Phone Number: 09132163114

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